Yesterday was my first day at my new job. We'll be training until the end of next week. I woke up so nauseated from anxiety I thought I might not be able to make it, but new I had to. So I took some Dramamine 24-hour (great for nausea people, Bonine is the same thing), an anxiety pill and lay in bed until I started to feel marginally better.
I had planned on showering, but dealing with the anxiety was my first priority and my hair wasn't greasy. So after laying in bed (luckily, I didn't have to be to work until 9:30 that day) until I felt somewhat better, I got up, washed with a washcloth and got dressed. I brushed my hair, which was still up in bobby pins from the zoo the day before and I left it that way. My makeup was still on from the day before, too (technically, I wear mineral makeup so I didn't wash my face the night before after an exhausting day at the zoo and then dinner at Golden Corral with about 30+ family members), so I just went to work.
I must say, I'm a little overwhelmed and woke up again this morning with nausea and anxiety, though not as bad. I was gonna shower again, but dealt instead with my nausea and anxiety first, then washed with a washcloth (makeup still working after 3 days!) and got dressed. Now, I'm off to put my hair up (still not greasy) and off to work!
I think I'll enjoy the job, though it's a little overwhelming right now. It's basically data entry, but there are so many rules and regulations to learn, it's a challenge. But hey...I did Financial Aid. If you can figure out the Federal Education Loan guidelines, you can learn anything, I say! I think this will be an excellent position for me and I'm liking it so far!
How to Set Up Automatic DTH Recharge
8 months ago