Thursday, March 5, 2009


Yes, that's right. I have been sick...all week! Well, truth be told, I've been sick for longer, but it finally came to a head when I figured out what was wrong with me. I have a freakish body and no doctor can ever find out what's wrong when I tell them my symptoms. So I've taken to searching the internet and going back to the doctor and asking them if this is the problem.

Warning...this will contain a rant. I have been sick for the better part of a year with one thing or another. I have fibromyalgia, which is enough of a challenge to get up and do stuff every day when your body hurts all the time. Then I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, so my reproductive system is all out of whack and I periodically have ruptured cysts, always on the left lower quadrant, so they think it's appendicitis. I've been in the emergency room 6 times this year. Twice with abdominal pain, which turned out to be a hernia from chucking so hard. It took them 6 weeks to find it. Then because I had been on serious pain medication for that long, when the surgery happened and I didn't hurt anymore, I went through withdrawals and was let go from my job because I was missing too much work and didn't have any leave. I can't blame them. There were only two of us in the department and my coworker needed help. Then this hellish economy happened.

No problem, right? Just collect unemployment. Great. No job offers. I have a sick nephew who was in the hospital for months. My mom and I went down to Texas for a few weeks to help them. Then my Grandma decided she didn't want to live anymore and I drove up to go help out up there. The night before, I developed a really uncomfortable pain in my lower back. My dad was driving with me, luckily because it turned out to be a kidney stone. Ended up in the Emergency Room with the pain from the stone. They originally told me it couldn't be a stone because of the location of the pain. Many useless painkillers later, a CT scan and an x-ray revealed...ta-dah! A kidney stone. So they sent me home with more painkillers and other things to help me pass the stone.

Then...between myself and my doctor (thank goodness she listens to me when I bring something up!) determined that the prednisone I take in pulses to keep my finger eczema under control was sending my body into an adrenal fatigue, which caused another bout of sickness and pain. So I hopped on the bandwagon full of nutritional supplements to help the adrenal glands recover.

Now...I have a bacterial infection, pain in my lower abdomen (which luckily she didn't send me for ultrasounds or anything because I've had 7...count them...7 CT scans THIS YEAR! And I don't have insurance right now due to my jobless state) because she was pretty sure it was a cyst on my ovary. Fabulous. I was sent home with painkillers (thankfully not heavy narcotic ones, but I'm about to hop on board if it doesn't go away soon!), and birth control. Then when the pain didn't subside and I noticed other symptoms I won't mention because they're gross...I figured out it's a bacterial infection. Great, she called me in a prescription. My fingers broke out and I ended up getting a staph infection because of the open sores on my fingers.

Seriously...will I ever be well again?! Because I've had about enough!

Anyway. That's why there have been no posts this week about school, because I haven't been! But I have my floor test on Monday. Wish me luck!

At least life isn't as bad as my poor brother and sister-in-law down in Texas dealing with their poor son, who has been in the hospital for probably 3/4 of his life and he's a year old. Prospects aren't good, so if you could send some thoughts and prayers out to them, that would be great!

BTW...don't you just LOVE it when hormones rage out of control?! That is probably the source of this whole post. Because goodness knows...I'm usually not this negative and/or boohooey! Forgive the moment and your regularly scheduled post will resume on Monday!

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