I'm pretty sure I'm damaged in some shape or form. To the effect that I didn't go to class last night. Maybe from our pimp team building activity, since I stretched further than any human with my short legs should be forced to stetch. And it didn't help that I slipped on the ice outside the school (my bad for parking on an ice mountain), and slipped on some ice in my driveway. I'm too broke to go see a doctor, so I had a friend who is a nurse check it. She says most likely it's either broken bones in the foot (won't go see a doctor if that's the case because they said one more break and they were going to have to pin it), or a crack in the ankle. I think I'll choose to believe the crack in the ankle theory. I have a walking boot left over from the last times I broke the bones in my foot, so she just said to wear it in the boot for 6 weeks and if it still isn't getting better, go to a clinic that will allow me to make payments.
But I will be attending class tonight, regardless of the soreness, achiness, or whatever else seems to ail me right now.
How to Set Up Automatic DTH Recharge
8 months ago
Pffisshhhhhh! Doctors. Who needs them? . . .